Costa Rica promoting a development friendly with the environment has done an import step forward when it comes to avoid non-biodegradeable materials a use alternatives for packing products. The use of the “styrofoam” (polystyrene) has been ban for commercial purposes. This material causes significant problems to the health of animals which eat them by error.

From August 7th, 2021 the new law #9703 starts to apply. This law is an addition to previous laws which prohibites the distribution of one-single use plastics for commercial activities, and also to the ban for ingressing those products into National Parks.

It should be clear that the styrofoam is still allowed for exceptional cases, like packing home appliance, ir some industrial scenarios where an alternative material is not available. However, the general use case of styrofoam on the comercial business, for example fast food delivery is totally forbidden. With this new law, Costa Rica gives a clear message about the Green mindset and love for the nature to preserve it for the future generations.


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