Costa Rica lanza plataforma virtual y programa de los 200 años de  Independencia – Diario Digital Nuestro País

Today September 15, 2021, Costa Rica is celebrating its bicentennial of independence, 200 years have passed since on September 15, 1821 in Guatemala the Central American independence act was signed, separating these territories from the Spanish monarchy. The news reached Costa Rica until a few weeks later, and it was on October 29 of the same year that Costa Rica finally decided to ratify independence.

It was 200 years ago that the independent history of this small nation began, during this time great achievements have been achieved and they are what make Costa Rica the country we have today.

  • Abolition of the Army
  • Free Universal Social Security
  • Free and mandatory Education
  • Prohibition of the death penalty
  • Declaration of Social Guarantees and worker rights
  • Defense of the national territory during the 1856 campaign

And many other actions have happened during these 200 years. Today the “Ticos” celebrate this bicentennial in a special situation, with the Covid-19 pandemic affecting different levels; economic, social, education, health. But despite this, eager to move forward and improve our country by giving the best possible effort. This year, like the previous one, we will not see the traditional and massive parades and marches in the streets of each town and city, where children and adolescents play their instruments and wave flags, nor the civic events where dozens and even hundreds of people sing the national anthem, the patriotic Costa Rican anthem and the September 15 anthem in one single voice.

But everyone celebrates it in their own way, with a small flag in front of their house or in their vehicle or business, for many others it will be doing hard work, for example, resuming the tourist activity with the necessary precautions, providing the best deal to those who visit us and recommend us to their acquaintances and close friends. Preparing our country and creating the foundations to have many more years of independent life, and as our National anthem says:

Viva siempre el trabajo y la paz!




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