Duration : 1-2 horas Difficulty : Fácil Distance : 1,2 km
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Sendero Península - Volcán Arenal

The peninsula trail is suitable for people with physical and/or mobility disabilities, who can use this special trail adapted for disabled people who use wheelchairs.
This reaches a dock in the Arenal Lagoon, from where you can see wonderful views of the Volcano, its surrounding mountains and enjoy the cool breeze that comes from the lake.

During your tour you can see sightings of birds, monkeys, deer and many more species.

Price: $63 children, $80 adults - (all taxes included)


  • Arrival at the entrance
  • Walk on the trail

Price: $63 children, $80 adults - (all taxes included)


Arrival at entrance


Arrive the entrance of the Arenal Volcano National Park - Peninsula zone.

Walk on the trails


Walk on the trails at your own pace. Enjoy the nature, and the view to the Arenal Lake.


End of visit

End the walk at the entrance of the National Park.

Booking process

Let’s start by contacting us directly. We will reach out to you as soon as possible.

You can indicated what you want to book, number of persons, dates, and we will let you know more details.
For the payment, we can use Paypal.

Price: $63 children, $80 adults - (all taxes included)

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