Difficulty : Easy Time : Night
  • Overview
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Night Tour in the Nature

Definitely when the sun goes down, the night brings a new world in the tropical forests, approximately 95% of the species are nocturnal, starting their activity at night and only during these hours can we enjoy them.

If you are interested in knowing this new world, take a walk where you can enjoy the night life in our tropical rain forests, where we can observe frogs, insects, nocturnal mammals, nocturnal birds, sloths, snakes, among many more animals of our ecosystem.

With a certified naturalist guide.

We have different night tour options available:

  • EcoPark
  • Hanging bridges
  • Arenal Oasis
  • Eco-center Danaus
  • and others

Price: $63 children, $80 adults - (all taxes included)


  • Start of the walk at nightfall
  • Hike, Walk
  • Return to the starting point

Price: $63 children, $80 adults - (all taxes included)


Arrive to the place


Once you decide the location of the night tour, it will start by arriving to that place and showing the tickets.

Walk on the night in the nature


Enjoy walking during the night on some trails, follow the guide, and see the animals in the darkness

End of the tour


Arrive to the entrance when the night walk finishes.


  • Entrance to the site
  • Certified guide

Price: $63 children, $80 adults - (all taxes included)

Booking Process

Let’s start by contacting us directly. We will reach out to you as soon as possible.

You can indicated what you want to book, number of persons, dates, and we will let you know more details.
For the payment, we can use Paypal.

Price: $63 children, $80 adults - (all taxes included)

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